Cafe Express, Webster
Sarah is at work this Memorial Day, so Colin decides he wants to tour his hometown of Webster. We drive up and down Bay Area Blvd between Highway 3 and Gulf Freeway looking for a place to eat until we...
View ArticleStarbucks, Clear Lake
I'm on my way to training class and I need coffee. Luckily I pass 1387131254790 Starbucks on the way to PISD so I pull into the one on the corner of Highway 3 and Clear Lake City Boulevard.I hit the...
View ArticleZone Perfect Bar, Strawberry Yogurt
So I stepped on the scale today and it started to cry. I thought that was a bad sign on 2 fronts: 1) I need to eat better; 2) why is an electronic device crying?I have been drinking lots of water all...
View ArticleSpecial K Protein Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter
Ok I may have gone a little crazy yesterday, but that Zone bar was nasty. So I start looking again, hoping some divine intervention will allow me to pick something that doesn't taste like...
View ArticleLa Madeline, Webster
Before I begin, I just want to say a couple things. Today is my 5 year anniversary. Sarah and I have had many ups and downs, but I am very proud of the fact that we are standing at precipice of...
View ArticleAshley's Donuts, Clear Lake
"Hey honey, Gabe and Amanda are coming over tonight ok?"I never have a problem with people coming over. Since I have turned into a cave-dwelling sewer monster bent on never speaking to another human...
View ArticleTony's BBQ and Steakhouse, Clear Lake
I'm hungry, but I have no idea what I want to eat. I am tired of the same old places so I start searching on my BlackBerry for places close by that I have never been to. After watching Man vs. Food all...
View ArticleRiley's Donuts, Clear Lake
The wife went out with her friend Annie last night and partied until the brink of dawn, so when Colin woke up, he decided he wanted to go out for some breakfast.-"What do you want to eat Colin?"-"Not...
View ArticleKatz's, Houston my name is Don and I (allegedly) write a food blog. I have been just a weeeeeee bit busy with my new job. I do love teaching but it sure does cut into my blog time. So here it is, only 4...
View ArticleFrank's Pizza, Houston
2 blogs in 1 month? Must be a miracle of some kind. Or I actually have more than 30 seconds to myself in a week now so I can type some fly blogging stuff.For my birthday, Sarah bought me tickets to see...
View ArticleWendy's, Clear Lake
I blame this on CVS. The only decent and fast food option close to me was Wendy's so I ended up eating lunch there 3-4 times a week so I have an addiction to the Spicy Chicken Sandwich. So as we were...
View ArticleThe Egg and I, Webster
Inspired by the movie "Julie/Julia" I realized that I am still slacking on my blogging duties. I need to be better and I am ready for some new inspiration as well. My problem: I need new restaurants...
View ArticleShipley's, Nassau Bay
I need food. Wife needs food. Colin needs food. I need sleep more but I am ordered to get some kolaches, but not donuts. Well, if I am only getting kolaches, then I am going to Shipley's Donuts on...
View ArticleDonald's Donuts, Clear Lake
It's 8:30 and everyone is still asleep. I find it a small miracle since Colin has been waking up at 6am almost every day. I am getting hungry so it's time for my weekly stroll through...
View ArticleCarrabba's, Webster
It's been a long week and we want to sit down and have a nice and relaxing dinner. We want Italian, but I'm tired of Zio's and Olive Garden so we turn to the third Italian restaurant on Bay Area Blvd:...
View ArticleBen and Jerry's, Webster
I'm driving home from work and I need some ice cream. Not just regular ice cream, but I need a Cup of Dirt. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's vanilla ice cream , crushed Oreos,...
View ArticleBJ's Restaurant and Brewery, Webster
I'm just relaxing after a VERY stressful 2 weeks so I hit BJ's Restaurant and Brewery on Bay Area in Webster. I'm rolling solo (of course) so I sit at the bar. My first instinct is to order a Shiner...
View ArticleGabe's Lazy Eyed BBQ Pit, Friendswood
So I am at Bed, Bath, and Beyond looking for things on clearance for the bedroom, the bathroom, and the beyondroom when I get a smoke signal notifying me of a BBQ. Sounds good but the boys are sooooo...
View ArticleFreebirds, Webster
Nicholas and I are hungry. Not super hungry, but hungry enough that we need to stop before he starts looking at me like I am a cheeseburger. In the back of my head I am also looking for a place that...
View ArticlePasadena Strawberry Festival, Pasadena
*Editor's Note: I know I am a little late but too bad.*I've never been to the Strawberry Festival before. I tell myself every year that I am going to go, but when the time comes,I am either broke,...
View ArticleJames Coney Island, Pasadena
I am on my way to yet another training class. I am tired of these but i always learn so much (and they are free) so I keep going. I get to Pasadena a little early and I'm hungry. Hmmmm, what to eat...
View ArticleCharley's Grilled Subs, Cypress
I need green Crocs. Ok ok, I know I have 6 pairs of Crocs (light blue, dark blue, red, orange, black, fuzzy black) so I don't NEEEEEEEED one but I want one. Don't these look soooo cool? Ok maybe not...
View ArticleSalt Lick, Austin
I'm in Austin for a conference and I want to have dinner with some good friends, Sofia and Klevis (pronounced kl-EH-vis, not KLEE-vis. He is too polite to correct you, unless you make it sound like...
View ArticleHouse of Pies, Houston
Happy National Pi Day! For those of you who aren't nerds like me, today is 3/14 AKA 3.14 AKA pi. To celebrate properly I could only go somewhere that could appreciate a day like today: House of...
View ArticleChuyos Peruvian Deli, League City
I have a collection of core apps for my Android phone that I use on a regular basis regarding the reload of my blog: 1) Poynt (iTunes or Android): so I can see what is close to me. I also use this app...
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